Solving the Enigmatic Error with `cy.get(‘#mat-radio-6’).should(‘be.checked’)` Syntax
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Solving the Enigmatic Error with `cy.get(‘#mat-radio-6’).should(‘be.checked’)` Syntax

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If you’re struggling with the Cypress syntax `cy.get(‘#mat-radio-6’).should(‘be.checked’)`, you’re not alone. This article delves into the common pitfalls and provides a comprehensive solution to overcome the error that’s been plagueing your test automation journey.

Understanding the Error

The `cy.get` command is used to retrieve a DOM element, and the `.should` method is used to assert the state of that element. In this specific case, the syntax `cy.get(‘#mat-radio-6’).should(‘be.checked’)` aims to assert that the radio button with the id `mat-radio-6` is checked. However, this syntax can lead to errors, and it’s essential to understand why.

Common Pitfalls

  1. Invalid Selector: The most common reason for the error is an invalid CSS selector. Make sure the id `#mat-radio-6` is correct and the element exists in the DOM.

  2. Race Condition: Cypress commands are asynchronous, and the `.should` method might be executed before the element is fully loaded or the radio button is checked. This can lead to flaky tests.

  3. Waiting for the Element: Cypress has a built-in waiting mechanism, but sometimes it’s necessary to explicitly wait for the element to be available or checked.

Solution: Using `cy.get` with `should` and `wait`

To overcome the error, you can modify the syntax as follows:


This approach ensures that Cypress waits for the element to be checked before asserting its state.

Best Practices

  • Use a more specific selector to target the radio button, such as `cy.get(‘[id=”mat-radio-6″]’)`.

  • Avoid using `cy.get` with a CSS selector that returns multiple elements. Instead, use a more specific selector or `cy.get` with an alias.

  • Use `cy.wait` to explicitly wait for the element to be available or checked, especially when dealing with asynchronous operations.


In conclusion, the `cy.get(‘#mat-radio-6’).should(‘be.checked’)` syntax can be error-prone due to various reasons. By understanding the common pitfalls and adopting the modified syntax with `wait` and best practices, you can create more robust and reliable tests with Cypress.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got stuck with Cypress and wondering why cy.get('#mat-radio-6').should('be.checked') isn’t working as expected? Worry not, friend! We’ve got you covered.

What does the error message say?

The error message will likely say something like “Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element `#mat-radio-6` but never found it.” This means Cypress couldn’t find the radio button with the ID `mat-radio-6` on the page.

Is the radio button visible on the page?

Make sure the radio button is visible on the page and not hidden behind another element or loaded dynamically. You can try using `cy.get(‘#mat-radio-6’).should(‘be.visible’)` to verify its visibility.

Is the ID correct?

Double-check that the ID `mat-radio-6` matches the actual ID of the radio button in your HTML code. You can inspect the element using the browser’s developer tools to verify its ID.

Should I use `be.checked` or `be.checked: true`?

You should use `be.checked: true`. The correct syntax is `cy.get(‘#mat-radio-6’).should(‘be.checked’, true)`. This will assert that the radio button is checked.

What if I’m still getting an error?

If you’re still getting an error, try using a more relaxed assertion like `cy.get(‘#mat-radio-6’).should(‘’, ‘checked’, true)` or `cy.get(‘#mat-radio-6’).invoke(‘prop’, ‘checked’).should(‘eq’, true)`. These approaches can help you debug the issue better.