Stata ODBC – Why does declaring a temporary function in my query yield an error?
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Stata ODBC – Why does declaring a temporary function in my query yield an error?

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Are you tired of wrestling with Stata ODBC errors, only to find that the culprit is a seemingly harmless temporary function declaration? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Stata ODBC and explore why declaring a temporary function in your query can lead to frustration and error messages.

What is Stata ODBC?

Before we dive into the issue at hand, let’s take a step back and understand what Stata ODBC is. Stata ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is a standard API that allows different applications to communicate with various databases, including Stata. It acts as a bridge between your application and the database, enabling you to perform querying, data manipulation, and analysis.

The Temp Function Conundrum

Now, let’s get back to the problem. When you declare a temporary function in your Stata ODBC query, you might encounter an error message that looks something like this:

error: 37000: [Stata][ODBC Stata Driver]Invalid operation for a temporary function

But why does this happen? The reason lies in how Stata ODBC handles temporary functions.

Temporary Functions in Stata

In Stata, a temporary function is a function that is defined only for the duration of a single query. Once the query is executed, the function is dropped, and its definition is lost. Temporary functions are useful when you need to perform a complex calculation or data transformation that’s specific to a single query.

Stata ODBC and Temporary Functions

The issue arises when you try to declare a temporary function in a Stata ODBC query. Stata ODBC doesn’t support temporary functions in the same way that Stata does. When you declare a temporary function in your query, Stata ODBC attempts to create a permanent function in the database, which is not what you intended.

This leads to a mismatch between what Stata ODBC expects and what you’re trying to achieve. As a result, you get an error message, and your query fails to execute.

Solutions and Workarounds

Don’t worry; there are ways to overcome this limitation! Here are some solutions and workarounds to help you achieve your query goals:

  • Use a Regular Function Instead

    Create a regular function in your Stata database, and then call it from your Stata ODBC query. This approach ensures that the function is defined permanently in the database, and Stata ODBC can use it correctly.

        // Create a regular function
        cap program drop myfunc
        program define myfunc
          // Function code here
        // Call the function from your Stata ODBC query
        select *, myfunc(x) as result from mytable;
  • Use a Macro Instead

    Define a macro in your Stata ODBC query that performs the desired calculation or data transformation. Macros are executed on the client-side, so they don’t affect the database schema.

        // Define a macro
        local mymacro = "replace x = x * 2"
        // Use the macro in your query
        select *, `mymacro' as result from mytable;
  • Split Your Query into Multiple Statements

    If you need to perform a complex calculation or data transformation, consider breaking your query into multiple statements. This approach allows you to define temporary variables or perform intermediate calculations before combining the results.

        // Statement 1: Create a temporary variable
        tempvar x_tmp
        replace x_tmp = x * 2
        // Statement 2: Use the temporary variable
        select *, x_tmp as result from mytable;

Best Practices for Stata ODBC Queries

While we’ve covered the specific issue of temporary functions, it’s essential to follow some best practices when working with Stata ODBC queries:

  1. Keep your queries simple and focused on a single task. Complex queries can lead to performance issues and errors.

  2. Use meaningful table and variable names to avoid confusion and errors.

  3. Test your queries in a Stata console or GUI before running them through Stata ODBC. This helps you catch syntax errors and logic issues earlier.

  4. Use the Stata ODBC driver’s logging feature to debug and troubleshoot issues with your queries.


In conclusion, declaring a temporary function in your Stata ODBC query can lead to errors due to the limitations of Stata ODBC. By understanding the differences between Stata and Stata ODBC, you can use workarounds and best practices to achieve your query goals. Remember to keep your queries simple, test them thoroughly, and use meaningful names to avoid confusion.

Keyword Description
Stata ODBC Open Database Connectivity for Stata
Temporary Function A function defined only for the duration of a single query
Regular Function A permanently defined function in the Stata database
Macro A sequence of commands executed on the client-side

We hope this article has provided you with the knowledge and tools to overcome the temporary function conundrum in Stata ODBC. Happy querying!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on Stata ODBC and temporary functions in your query!

Why does declaring a temporary function in my query yield an error?

This error occurs because Stata ODBC doesn’t support temporary functions or variables in the SQL query. Stata’s ODBC driver is designed to execute SQL queries, not Stata commands, so it can’t handle temporary functions or variables.

What happens if I try to declare a temporary function in my query?

When you try to declare a temporary function in your query, Stata ODBC will throw an error, usually a syntax error. This is because the ODBC driver is expecting a valid SQL query, not a Stata command.

Can I use a workaround to achieve my desired outcome?

Yes, you can! Instead of declaring a temporary function, consider using a derived table or a common table expression (CTE) to achieve your desired outcome. These alternatives can help you avoid the error and get the results you need.

How do I rewrite my query to avoid the temporary function error?

To rewrite your query, identify the calculations or operations that require the temporary function and replace them with valid SQL syntax. You can use Stata’s online resources or documentation to find equivalent SQL functions or expressions.

What are some resources for learning more about Stata ODBC and SQL querying?

For more information on Stata ODBC and SQL querying, check out Stata’s official documentation, online tutorials, and community resources. You can also explore SQL tutorials and guides on websites like W3Schools or SQLCourse.