Unraveling the Mystery: Extract Type of Values of a Record-type in Typescript?
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Unraveling the Mystery: Extract Type of Values of a Record-type in Typescript?

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Typescript, the statically typed superset of JavaScript, has been gaining popularity rapidly due to its ability to catch errors early and improve code maintainability. One of the most powerful features of Typescript is its ability to work with complex data structures like Records. But, have you ever wondered how to extract the type of values of a Record-type in Typescript?

The Basics: Understanding Record-type in Typescript

Before diving into the extraction of value types, let’s first understand what a Record-type is in Typescript. A Record-type, also known as a dictionary or an object type, is a type that represents a collection of key-value pairs. It’s a type that’s used to describe an object that has a specific set of properties with specific types.

interface Person {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  occupation: string;

const person: Person = {
  name: 'John Doe',
  age: 30,
  occupation: 'Developer'

In the above example, the `Person` interface is a Record-type that defines three properties: `name`, `age`, and `occupation`. The `person` object is then created with the same properties, and its type is inferred as `Person`.

The Challenge: Extracting Value Types from a Record-type

Now that we have a basic understanding of Record-types, let’s say we want to extract the type of values from the `Person` interface. How do we do that?

The simplest way to extract the value type of a Record-type is by using the ` Record` utility type provided by Typescript. The `Record` utility type takes two type arguments: the key type and the value type. We can use the `keyof` operator to get the type of the keys of the Record-type, and the `Record` utility type to get the type of the values.

type PersonValueTypes = {
  [K in keyof Person]: Person[K]

// type PersonValueTypes = {
//   name: string;
//   age: number;
//   occupation: string;
// }

In the above example, we’re using the `keyof` operator to get the type of the keys of the `Person` interface, which is `name | age | occupation`. We’re then using the `Record` utility type to create a new type that has the same keys as `Person`, but with the value types.

Mapped Types: The Powerhouse of Typescript

But what if we want to do more with the extracted value types? What if we want to transform the value types in some way? That’s where Mapped Types come into play.

Mapped Types are a powerful feature of Typescript that allows us to transform one type into another. They’re used to create new types by transforming the properties of an existing type.

type UppercaseValueTypes = {
  [K in keyof T]: Uppercase;

type PersonUppercaseValueTypes = UppercaseValueTypes;

// type PersonUppercaseValueTypes = {
//   name: Uppercase;
//   age: Uppercase;
//   occupation: Uppercase;
// }

In the above example, we’re using a Mapped Type to create a new type that takes the value type of each property and applies the `Uppercase` utility type to it. The `Uppercase` utility type is a built-in utility type in Typescript that converts a string type to uppercase.

Transforming Value Types with Mapped Types

Let’s say we want to transform the value types of the `Person` interface in some way. We can use Mapped Types to achieve this.

type StringifyValueTypes = {
  [K in keyof T]: string;

type PersonStringifiedValueTypes = StringifyValueTypes;

// type PersonStringifiedValueTypes = {
//   name: string;
//   age: string;
//   occupation: string;
// }

In the above example, we’re using a Mapped Type to transform the value types of the `Person` interface to strings. This can be useful if we want to store the values of the `Person` interface in a database or send them over the network.


In this article, we’ve seen how to extract the type of values of a Record-type in Typescript using the `Record` utility type and Mapped Types. We’ve also seen how to transform the value types in various ways using Mapped Types. By mastering these techniques, you’ll be able to work with complex data structures in Typescript with confidence.

Remember, the key to working with complex data structures in Typescript is to understand the power of Mapped Types and utility types like `Record`. With practice, you’ll be able to unlock the full potential of Typescript and take your coding skills to the next level.

Common Use Cases

  • Extracting value types from a Record-type to use in a generic function or class.

  • Transforming value types to a specific format for storage or transmission.

  • Creating a type that represents a subset of properties from a Record-type.

  • Creating a type that represents a union of value types from multiple Record-types.

Best Practices

  1. Use Mapped Types to transform value types in a declarative way.

  2. Use utility types like `Record` and `keyof` to extract value types from a Record-type.

  3. Use type inference to let Typescript infer the type of the value types automatically.

  4. Use the `as` keyword to cast a value type to a specific type if necessary.

Utility Type Description
Record Creates a type that represents a Record-type with the specified key and value types.
keyof Gets the type of the keys of a Record-type.

I hope this article has helped you understand how to extract the type of values of a Record-type in Typescript. Remember to practice and experiment with different techniques to master the art of working with complex data structures in Typescript.

Frequently Asked Question

Want to know how to extract the type of values from a record-type in Typescript? You’re in the right place! Here are the top 5 questions and answers to get you started:

What is a record-type in Typescript?

In Typescript, a record-type is a type that represents an object with a set of properties where each property has a specific type. It’s like a dictionary where each key corresponds to a specific type. You can define a record-type using the `record` keyword followed by the property names and their types, e.g., `record`. This type represents an object with string keys and number values.

How do I extract the type of values from a record-type?

To extract the type of values from a record-type, you can use the `Record` utility type provided by Typescript. For example, if you have a record-type `MyRecord` defined as `record`, you can extract the value type using `Record[keyof MyRecord]`, which would be `number` in this case.

What is the difference between keyof and typeof?

In Typescript, `keyof` is used to get the type of the keys of an object, whereas `typeof` is used to get the type of a value. For example, if you have an object `myObj` with string keys and number values, `keyof typeof myObj` would give you the type `string`, while `typeof myObj[keyof myObj]` would give you the type `number`.

Can I use mapped types to extract the value type?

Yes, you can use mapped types to extract the value type from a record-type. For example, you can define a mapped type `ValueOf` as `{ [P in keyof T]: T[P] }`, and then use it to extract the value type from a record-type `MyRecord` like this: `ValueOf`, which would give you the type `number` if `MyRecord` is defined as `record).

What are some use cases for extracting the value type of a record-type?

Extracting the value type of a record-type can be useful in various scenarios, such as when you need to create a generic function that works with different types of values, or when you want to create a type-safe API that ensures the correct type of values is passed to a function. It can also be useful when working with databases or APIs that require specific types of data.

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