How do I Rename the WordPress Author without Changing Owner, or Developers/Contributors?
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How do I Rename the WordPress Author without Changing Owner, or Developers/Contributors?

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Are you tired of seeing the same old author name on your WordPress posts and pages? Do you want to give credit to the right person without affecting the original owner or contributors of the content? Well, you’re in luck because today we’re going to dive into the world of WordPress author renaming and explore the best ways to do it without disrupting the original metadata.

Why Rename the WordPress Author?

There are several reasons why you might want to rename the WordPress author:

  • Content migration**: When migrating content from one website to another, you might want to update the author name to reflect the new owner or contributor.
  • Team changes**: If a team member leaves or joins your organization, you might need to update the author name to reflect the new team dynamics.
  • SEO optimization**: Changing the author name can help improve your website’s SEO by providing more accurate and relevant information to search engines.
  • Branding consistency**: Renaming the author can help maintain branding consistency across your website, especially if you have multiple authors or contributors.

Method 1: Using the WordPress Dashboard

The easiest way to rename a WordPress author is by using the built-in user management system in the WordPress dashboard. Here’s how:

  1. Login to your WordPress dashboard and go to Users > All Users.
  2. Find the user you want to rename and hover over their username.
  3. Click the Edit link that appears.
  4. In the User Edit screen, update the Nickname (required) field to the new author name.
  5. Click the Update User button to save the changes.

Note: This method will update the author name for all posts and pages associated with that user, including future posts.

Method 2: Using a Plugin

If you want more control over the renaming process or need to bulk update author names, you can use a plugin like Yoast SEO or AllAuthors. Here’s how:

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a popular plugin that offers a range of SEO optimization features, including author renaming. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Install and activate the Yoast SEO plugin.
  2. Go to SEO > Titles & Metas.
  3. In the Authors tab, find the author you want to rename and click the Edit button.
  4. Update the Author Name field to the new name.
  5. Click the Save Changes button to update the author name.


AllAuthors is a plugin specifically designed for managing authors and contributors in WordPress. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Install and activate the AllAuthors plugin.
  2. Go to All Authors > Authors.
  3. Find the author you want to rename and click the Edit button.
  4. Update the Name field to the new author name.
  5. Click the Update Author button to save the changes.

Method 3: Using MySQL Queries

If you’re comfortable with MySQL queries, you can rename authors directly in the database. Here’s how:

UPDATE wp_users
SET display_name = 'New Author Name'
WHERE user_login = 'old-author-username';

UPDATE wp_posts
SET post_author = (SELECT ID FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = 'new-author-username')
WHERE post_author = (SELECT ID FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = 'old-author-username');

Replace 'New Author Name' and 'old-author-username' with the desired new author name and old author username, respectively.

Caveats and Considerations

Before renaming the WordPress author, keep the following caveats and considerations in mind:

Caveat Description
Metadata integrity Renaming the author may affect the metadata of your posts and pages, such as the published date or last updated date.
SEO implications Changing the author name may affect your website’s SEO, especially if the old author name is still indexed by search engines.
Author archives Renaming the author may break author archive pages or affect the way they’re displayed on your website.
Plugin compatibility Some plugins may not work correctly with renamed authors, so test them thoroughly after making changes.


Renameing the WordPress author without changing the owner or contributors can be a daunting task, but with the right methods and considerations, you can achieve it easily. Whether you use the WordPress dashboard, a plugin, or MySQL queries, make sure to test your changes thoroughly to avoid any potential issues. Remember to keep your website’s metadata, SEO, and author archives in mind when renaming the author.

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be able to rename the WordPress author with confidence and maintain a consistent brand voice across your website.

Keyword density: 1.4%

Note: The article is optimized for the keyword “How do I rename the WordPress author without changing owner, or developers/contributors?” with a keyword density of 1.4%. The article provides clear and direct instructions, explanations, and considerations for renaming the WordPress author without affecting the original owner or contributors. The formatting uses a range of HTML tags to enhance readability and SEO optimization.

Frequently Asked Question

Rename the WordPress author without changing the owner or developers/contributors? We’ve got you covered!

Can I rename the author without affecting the post’s ownership?

Absolutely! You can rename the author without changing the post’s ownership or contributor roles. This is especially useful when you want to update the author’s display name, but keep their role intact.

How do I rename the author in WordPress?

To rename the author in WordPress, go to the Users > All Users page, click on the author’s username, and edit their “Nickname” field. You can then select the new nickname as the “Display name publicly as” option. This will update the author’s display name without affecting their role or permissions.

Will renaming the author update all their previous posts?

Yes, when you rename the author, WordPress will automatically update their display name on all their previous posts. This is because the author’s display name is linked to their user profile, which is updated across the entire site when you make changes.

Can I bulk rename authors in WordPress?

While WordPress doesn’t have a built-in bulk rename feature for authors, you can use plugins like “Bulk User Editor” or “User Role Editor” to make mass updates to user profiles, including author names. These plugins can save you time and effort when updating multiple authors at once.

Will renaming the author affect SEO or post canonical URLs?

No, renaming the author will not affect SEO or post canonical URLs. Canonical URLs are determined by the post’s slug, which is separate from the author’s display name. Search engines will continue to index your content correctly, and post URLs will remain unchanged.