What is the correct way to set the value of a field in a struct in a Flatbuffers message via reflection?
Image by Khloe - hkhazo.biz.id

What is the correct way to set the value of a field in a struct in a Flatbuffers message via reflection?

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Flatbuffers is an amazing serialization library, but let’s face it, working with reflection can be a real challenge. In this article, we’ll dive into the correct way to set the value of a field in a struct in a Flatbuffers message using reflection.

Why Reflection?

Besides being a fancy word, reflection is a powerful feature that allows you to inspect and modify the structure of your data at runtime. In the context of Flatbuffers, reflection enables you to dynamically create and manipulate messages without knowing the exact schema at compile time.

The Problem

So, you’ve got a Flatbuffers message with a struct, and you want to set the value of one of its fields using reflection. Sounds simple, right? Well, it’s not as straightforward as you might think. Flatbuffers uses a unique approach to serialization, which can make it tricky to set field values dynamically.

The Correct Way

After digging through the Flatbuffers documentation and experimenting with different approaches, I’ve found the correct way to set the value of a field in a struct in a Flatbuffers message via reflection.

Step 1: Get the Table and Field IDs

The first step is to get the IDs of the table and field you want to modify. You can do this using the `GetRootTable()` method, which returns the root table of the message.

flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb;
MyTable table = MyTable.GetRootAsMyTable(fbb.GetBufferPointer());
int tableId = table.table_id();
int fieldId = table.field_id();

Replace `MyTable` with the actual name of your table, and `table_id` and `field_id` with the actual IDs of the table and field you want to modify.

Step 2: Create a Reflection Object

Next, create a reflection object using the `flatbuffers::reflection::GetSchema()` method. This method takes the table ID as an argument and returns a reflection object that represents the schema of the table.

flatbuffers::reflection::Schema schema = flatbuffers::reflection::GetSchema(tableId);

Step 3: Get the Field Object

Using the reflection object, get the field object that corresponds to the field you want to modify. You can do this using the `GetField()` method, which takes the field ID as an argument.

flatbuffers::reflection::Field field = schema.GetField(fieldId);

Step 4: Set the Field Value

Now, set the value of the field using the `SetValue()` method of the field object. This method takes the new value as an argument, which can be a scalar value (e.g., int, string) or a nested table.

field.SetValue(42); // Set the value of the field to 42

If the field is a nested table, you’ll need to create a new table object and set its values recursively.

MyNestedTable nestedTable;

Step 5: Update the Message

Finally, update the message by calling the `Finish()` method on the `FlatBufferBuilder` object.


This will update the underlying message with the new field value.

Common Pitfalls

When working with reflection in Flatbuffers, it’s easy to make mistakes that can lead to errors or unexpected behavior. Here are some common pitfalls to watch out for:

  • Not getting the correct table and field IDs.
  • Not using the correct reflection object for the table.
  • Not setting the field value correctly (e.g., using the wrong data type).
  • Not updating the message after setting the field value.


Setting the value of a field in a struct in a Flatbuffers message via reflection can be a bit tricky, but with the correct steps and a solid understanding of the underlying concepts, it’s definitely doable. By following this guide, you should be able to dynamically modify your Flatbuffers messages with ease.

Additional Resources

If you’re new to Flatbuffers or want to learn more about reflection, here are some additional resources:

Happy coding!

Field Type SetValue() Example
Int field.SetValue(42);
String field.SetValue("hello");
Nested Table MyNestedTable nestedTable; nestedTable.set_field1(1); nestedTable.set_field2("hello"); field.SetValue(nestedTable);

This table provides examples of how to set the value of different field types using the `SetValue()` method.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section answers some frequently asked questions about setting field values in Flatbuffers messages via reflection:

  1. Q: Can I set the value of a field to null?

    A: No, Flatbuffers does not support null values. Instead, you can use the `Optional` type to represent optional values.

  2. Q: Can I set the value of a field to a default value?

    A: Yes, you can set the value of a field to a default value using the `DefaultValue` attribute in your schema.

  3. Q: How do I set the value of a repeated field?

    A: To set the value of a repeated field, you need to create a vector of values and pass it to the `SetValue()` method.

I hope this article has been helpful in explaining how to set the value of a field in a struct in a Flatbuffers message via reflection. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most asked question about setting the value of a field in a struct in a Flatbuffers message via reflection!

What is the correct way to set the value of a field in a struct in a Flatbuffers message via reflection?

When using Flatbuffers with reflection, you can set the value of a field in a struct by using the `Create` method of the `Table` class, which returns a `Table` object. Then, you can use the `Add` method of the `Table` class to add the value to the specific field. For example: `table.Add(“my_field”, my_value);`. Make sure to replace `”my_field”` with the actual name of the field, and `my_value` with the actual value you want to set.

Can I use the `Set` method instead of `Add` to set the value of a field?

No, you should not use the `Set` method to set the value of a field in a struct via reflection. The `Set` method is used to set the value of a field in a existing table, whereas `Add` is used to add a new field to the table. Using `Set` will result in an error if the field does not already exist in the table.

What if the field I want to set is a scalar type, such as an integer or a boolean?

If the field you want to set is a scalar type, you can use the `Add` method with the scalar value as an argument. For example: `table.Add(“my_int_field”, 42);` or `table.Add(“my_bool_field”, true);`. Make sure to replace `”my_int_field”` or `”my_bool_field”` with the actual name of the field.

What if the field I want to set is a string or a vector?

If the field you want to set is a string or a vector, you need to create a `string` or `vector` object and then pass it to the `Add` method. For example: `table.Add(“my_string_field”, fb.CreateString(“hello world”));` or `table.Add(“my_vector_field”, fb.CreateVector(my_vector_data));`. Make sure to replace `”my_string_field”` or `”my_vector_field”` with the actual name of the field.

Can I set the value of a field in a nested struct using reflection?

Yes, you can set the value of a field in a nested struct using reflection. You need to first create a table for the nested struct, and then add the table to the parent struct using the `Add` method. For example: `inner_table = fb.Create(“my_inner_struct”); inner_table.Add(“my_inner_field”, my_value); outer_table.Add(“my_outer_field”, inner_table);`. Make sure to replace `”my_inner_struct”` with the actual name of the nested struct, and `”my_outer_field”` with the actual name of the field in the parent struct.