A Gunicorn + Flask + Nginx Application including Apscheduler blocks a new worker pid in Python application once in a while? Here’s the Fix!
Image by Khloe - hkhazo.biz.id

A Gunicorn + Flask + Nginx Application including Apscheduler blocks a new worker pid in Python application once in a while? Here’s the Fix!

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Have you ever encountered an issue where your Python application, built using Gunicorn, Flask, and Nginx, suddenly blocks a new worker pid? Maybe you’ve tried to debug it, but to no avail? Fear not, dear developer, for you’re about to find out the solution to this pesky problem!

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the fix, let’s take a step back and understand what’s happening. When you use Gunicorn as your WSGI server, it creates multiple worker processes to handle incoming requests. Each worker process is assigned a unique pid. However, sometimes, one of these worker processes might get stuck, blocking the creation of new worker pids. This can lead to performance issues and even crashes.

What’s Apscheduler got to do with it?

Apscheduler is a Python library that allows you to schedule tasks to run at specific times or intervals. It’s a great tool for automating tasks, but it can sometimes interfere with your application’s performance. In our case, Apscheduler might be causing the worker pid to block.

Identifying the Issue

To identify the issue, you’ll need to monitor your application’s performance and check for any anomalies. Here are a few steps to help you do that:

  1. Use the `ps` command to list all running processes and their pids:

    ps -ef | grep gunicorn
  2. Check the Gunicorn error logs for any errors or warnings:

    tail -f /path/to/gunicorn/error.log
  3. Use a tool like `htop` or `top` to monitor system resource usage:


If you notice that a worker pid is stuck or not responding, you’ve identified the issue.

The Fix

Now that we’ve identified the issue, let’s fix it! Here are the steps to resolve the blocking worker pid issue:

Step 1: Update Gunicorn Configuration

In your Gunicorn configuration file (usually `gunicorn.conf.py`), add the following lines:

workers = 5
worker_class = 'sync'

This sets the number of worker processes to 5 and uses the `sync` worker class, which is the default. You can adjust the number of workers based on your application’s needs.

Step 2: Implement Apscheduler with Care

When using Apscheduler, make sure to configure it correctly to avoid blocking worker pids. Here’s an example:

from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler

sched = BackgroundScheduler()

@sched.task('interval', id='my_task', seconds=10)
def my_task():
    # Your task code here
    print('Task ran successfully!')


Make sure to use the `BackgroundScheduler` and configure the task to run in the background. This will prevent Apscheduler from blocking the worker pid.

Step 3: Monitor and Debug

Even after implementing the fix, it’s essential to monitor your application’s performance and debug any issues that may arise. Use tools like `New Relic`, `Datadog`, or `Prometheus` to monitor your application’s performance and identify bottlenecks.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

If the fix above doesn’t work, here are some additional troubleshooting tips:

  • Check for any resource-intensive tasks or long-running processes that might be blocking the worker pid.

  • Verify that your application is properly handling errors and exceptions. Unhandled exceptions can cause worker pids to block.

  • Check the Gunicorn and Apscheduler versions. Make sure you’re running the latest versions, as older versions might have known issues.

  • Test your application under heavy load using tools like `Apache JMeter` or `Gatling`. This can help you identify any performance bottlenecks.


In conclusion, the blocking worker pid issue in a Gunicorn + Flask + Nginx application with Apscheduler can be resolved by updating the Gunicorn configuration, implementing Apscheduler with care, and monitoring and debugging the application. By following these steps, you’ll be able to identify and fix the issue, ensuring your application runs smoothly and efficiently.

Tool/Libraries Version
Gunicorn 20.0.4
Flask 1.1.2
Nginx 1.18.0
Apscheduler 3.7.0

Note: The versions mentioned above are the latest available at the time of writing this article.

Final Thoughts

Debugging issues in a complex application can be challenging, but with the right approach and tools, you can identify and fix the problem. Remember to stay vigilant, monitor your application’s performance, and troubleshoot issues as soon as they arise. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on why a Gunicorn + Flask + Nginx application, including APScheduler, might be blocking a new worker pid in your Python application from time to time.

What is APScheduler, and how does it impact my Flask application?

APScheduler is a job scheduling library for Python that allows you to schedule tasks to run at specific times or intervals. In your Flask application, APScheduler can be used to run tasks asynchronously in the background. However, if not properly configured, APScheduler can cause issues with worker pids, leading to blocking and performance problems.

Why is Gunicorn, a WSGI server, relevant to this issue?

Gunicorn is a WSGI server that runs your Flask application. It’s responsible for managing worker processes that handle incoming requests. If a worker process is blocked due to an APScheduler task, Gunicorn may not be able to spawn new workers, leading to performance issues and blocked worker pids.

What role does Nginx play in this scenario, and can it help mitigate the issue?

Nginx is a reverse proxy server that sits in front of your Flask application, routing incoming requests to Gunicorn. While Nginx itself doesn’t cause the blocking issue, it can help mitigate it by serving as a buffer between clients and your application. Proper Nginx configuration can ensure that incoming requests are queued and processed efficiently, reducing the load on your application and minimizing the impact of blocked worker pids.

How can I troubleshoot and identify the root cause of the blocking issue?

To troubleshoot the issue, start by monitoring your application’s performance and logging. Use tools like New Relic, Prometheus, or logging libraries like Loggly or Splunk to track worker pid activity, request latency, and error rates. Analyze the logs to identify patterns or anomalies that might indicate the source of the blocking issue. Additionally, review your APScheduler configuration and task scheduling to ensure they’re not causing worker processes to hang.

What are some potential solutions to prevent worker pid blocking in my Flask application?

To prevent worker pid blocking, consider the following solutions: optimize your APScheduler configuration to avoid tasks that block worker processes; implement asynchronous task processing using libraries like Celery or Zato; increase the number of worker processes in Gunicorn to handle incoming requests efficiently; and ensure proper Nginx configuration to buffer requests and reduce the load on your application.